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Matthew Moore's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

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Matthew Moore has provided voters with clear stances on key issues by responding to the 2014 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Mississippi Congressional Election 2014 Political Courage Test

Pro-choice Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation?
I support a woman's right to choose her own health care, regardless of ability to pay. I oppose any efforts to weaken or undermine that right. A woman's healthcare should be between her and her physician- and NOT be determined by my personal religious beliefs or that of anyone else, any legislative powers in Jackson, MS, or in (Washington) D.C. Because a woman's choice in health care IS, and should always be, a decision to be made by the woman- with advice from her physician.
Yes In order to balance the budget, do you support reducing defense spending?
Yes In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket?
I support a strong national defense, and staying out of war will help reduce defense spending. I am opposed to corporate welfare subsidies and wasteful government spending. Rather, I support reinvesting those funds in education and science to ensure that the future generations of Americans remain on the cutting edge of humanity's progress. Tax code reform is a necessity, especially in order to save what is identified as the middle class. Therefore, I am not opposed to increasing revenues generated from income earned in excess of $250,000 per year individually filed, $400,000 annually if jointly filed; and restructuring corporate taxes.
Yes Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
I vehemently oppose the Supreme Court's Ruling in Citizens United, and move to amend the US Constitution- to establish the fact that money is not speech via campaign finance reform. Establishing that human beings, not corporations, are the persons entitled to constitutional right.
Yes Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes?
Capital punishment for certain crimes that have insurmountable evidence of guilt, and conducted in a proven and humane method. Provided, that the accused is of sound mind.
Yes Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
No Do you support lowering taxes as a way of promoting growth in the economy?
Yes Do you support providing tax incentives to businesses for the purpose of job creation?
Federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth has proven to be effective since the New Deal. Lowering taxes as a way of promoting growth in the economy has been a proven failure, and one needs only to look as far as the state of Kansas and New Jersey in the recent decade. I support tax incentives offered to companies that produce 100% in the U.S. for the purpose of job creation.
Yes Do you support requiring states to implement education reforms in order to be eligible for competitive federal grants?
I believe in fully funding education and educational programs, as well as providing a competitive and livable wage for educators. I feel that defunding education, and educational programs, is irresponsible, and not a viable answer to any budget crisis. History has proven that it is the forward moving progress of education that enables a society to grow successfully and advance civilization. Quality public education for all is the best deterrent of crime, and provides the best opportunity for future jobs programs.
No Do you support building the Keystone XL pipeline?
No Do you support reducing restrictions on offshore energy production?
As an American, and person concerned for the future of humanity on Earth, I recognize and understand that the current availability, recovery, and usage of fossil fuels is part of a finite amount of energy that is becoming harder to come by; but not at the cost of damaging the biosphere. I support and encourage the creation and development of sustainable local food and forestry systems, including the expansion of "Green Energy," with solar and wind power to be utilized and captured for consumption, along with bio-diesel manufacturing and refinement using regional or locally supplied feedstock.
Yes Do you believe that human activity is contributing to climate change?
Yes Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions?
I believe that we as humans are the stewards of the Earth, and that we must work together to build a society that has the capacity to endure beyond our children's generation. This includes the impact of humankind's activity upon the biosphere, responsible resource consumption management, and sustainable agriculture. Together, we can build and shape our civilization to stand the test of time.
Yes Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns?
I support common sense regulation regarding the purchase and possession of guns. I support requiring background checks for all gun sales (with reasonable exceptions such as for transfers between close family members and temporary transfers for hunting and self-defense). I support a law that would prohibit gun possession by convicted stalkers and people convicted of- or, who after due process, are actively restrained from- abusing a dating partner. I support legislation that would create a strong federal gun trafficking statute with serious penalties. I oppose national concealed carry reciprocity that is based on the "Lowest Common Denominator" standard.
No Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act?
I am willing to work on amending flaws in the ACA that create undue hardships for our constituents and small businesses, and I will fight to keep those motivated by greed and special interest groups from overturning this act. Having a work-related injury, and an autistic child, I know 1st hand and understand the importance of eliminating the insurance companies' ability to refuse coverage, or service, due to "pre-existing conditions," as well as lifetime maximum payouts. I support the need for insurance companies to eliminate policies that deny reimbursement for services provided by qualified providers to their members.
No Do you support requiring illegal immigrants to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship?
This is not a viable, cost-effective, efficient, nor safe requirement to create a path to citizenship, as there are far too many variables complicating the matter to use such a general principle on.
Yes Do you support same-sex marriage?
The family is the cornerstone of our society, and I realize the value of human relationships and support all committed loving couples.
Yes Do you support targeting suspected terrorists outside of official theaters of conflict?
Yes Should the U.S use military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the United States from possessing a nuclear weapon?
The use of military force in order to prevent governments hostile to the U.S. from possessing a nuclear weapon should only be an option of absolute last resort based on irrefutable evidence of its existence.
No Do you support allowing individuals to divert a portion of their Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts?
I believe that Social Security and Medicare can be properly funded and improved without vouchers or privatization. This can be done via tax code reform, ending subsidies to otherwise profitable corporations, and by rejecting the "Ryan Budget" plan.

SpendingIndicate what federal spending levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category; you can use a number more than once.TaxesIndicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category; you can use a number more than once.

Maintain Status a) Agriculture
Maintain Status b) Arts
Slightly Decrease c) Defense
Greatly Increase d) Education
Slightly Increase e) Environment
Maintain Status f) Homeland Security
Maintain Status g) International aid
Slightly Increase h) Medical Research
Greatly Increase i) Scientific Research
Slightly Increase j) Space exploration
Maintain Status k) United Nations
Slightly Increase l) Welfare
Slightly Increase a) Capital gains taxes
Slightly Increase b) Corporate taxes
Maintain Status c) Excise taxes (alcohol)
Maintain Status d) Excise taxes (cigarettes)
Slightly Decrease e) Excise taxes (transportation fuel)
Greatly Decrease f) Income taxes (low-income families)
Slightly Decrease g) Income taxes (middle-income families)
Slightly Increase h) Income taxes (high-income families)
Slightly Increase i) Inheritance taxes
Maintain Status j) Payroll taxes
I am opposed to corporate welfare and wasteful government spending. Rather, let us re-invest those funds in education and science to ensure that the future generations of Americans remain on the cutting edge of humanity's progress; while simultaneously providing for the general welfare of our citizenry.
Oppose granting U.S. corporations tax holiday on repatriated overseas income; tried and failed in 2004. Studies show those benefiting most didn't create jobs, and actually reduced U.S. employment numbers. Oppose a territorial tax system- taxing corporate profits only if generated in U.S., and profits earned overseas never have to pay U.S. taxes- encouraging offshoring American jobs. Tax system should encourage domestic job creation, not confer economic benefits on companies' offshoring jobs. Support progressive revenue measures, including taxing capital gains as ordinary income; imposing a small financial transactions tax, so Wall Street helps clean up the economic mess it helped create.
In order to make THE difference for South Mississippi I intend to increase job opportunities and diversify industry to bring our veterans and unemployed back to work through infrastructure and modernization construction projects, supporting equal pay for equal work for women, and by fighting for an increase in the minimum wage. Expanding Social Security, while protecting Medicare and Social Security from defunding through adequate funding and improvements to the system, without need for vouchers or privatization. This can be done via tax code reform, ending subsidies to otherwise profitable corporations, and by rejecting the "Ryan Budget" plan.

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